3 Things Air Conditioning Contractors Should Be Doing During a Tune-Up | Discover Home Improvement
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3 Things Air Conditioning Contractors Should Be Doing During a Tune-Up

3 Things Air Conditioning Contractors Should Be Doing During a Tune-Up

An air conditioning tune-up is a great way to get your system ready for a trouble-free season. Performing preventative maintenance by having your system inspected and prepped for the season will not only ensure it is running at maximum efficiency, but also flag any potential issues that could turn into emergency repairs. Professional air conditioning contractors are an important part of keeping your home comfortable and cool all summer long. Make sure you are getting the service you need with these three things that air conditioning contractors should be doing during a tune-up.

  1. Explain all procedures and answer questions. A technician will walk you through the tune-up procedure, what services they are performing, and answer any questions you may have either about the inspection or your system.
  2. Run test the system. After the contractor has checked all parts, flushed the lines, checked wiring and coolant levels, along with checking the ductwork to ensure proper air flow, they will do a run test on the system. This is one of their final checks as part of a tune-up to leave your system in good operating shape.
  3. Provide a printed report on your equipment condition. At the end of a tune-up, air conditioning contractors will put all their findings in a printed report. This will show the service performed, the current condition of your system, and any recommendations they may suggest for future maintenance.

Different air conditioning contractors may have different types of tune-ups, depending on how thorough the service is being offered, but you should generally expect these three steps to occur with any inspection. Make sure your air conditioning system is running smoothly with the combination of regular and reliable service.