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Everything You Should Know About Commercial Septic Cleaning

Everything You Should Know About Commercial Septic Cleaning

When your commercial facility operates with a septic system instead of relying on a sewage system, there are a lot of things you need to know that other businesses don’t. You are responsible for your septic system’s upkeep. By sticking to a schedule and hiring professionals at the appropriate times, you can make sure that your septic system functions properly and doesn’t cause health or environmental hazards.

Here is what you need to know about commercial septic cleaning:

  • It’s not optional; it’s essential. A septic system has a tank, where solids sink to the bottom to form sludge and oils and grease float to the top to form scum. Bacteria in the tank treats the wastewater. Then, the wastewater leaves the tank and enters a drainfield. For the remaining waste, there is no outlet. At some point, commercial septic cleaning will be necessary to empty the tank and clean all the waste out of it. Otherwise, sewage backups can occur.
  • It’s different from septic pumping. You may have heard of septic tank pumping, which refers to the removal of liquid and some floating solids. Septic cleaning, on the other hand, is more thorough. It means removing all the water and compacted sludge for a total reset of your system.
  • It’s necessary for regulatory compliance. Your business must comply with state and local regulations when it comes to your commercial septic system. Along with regular inspections and other maintenance, commercial septic cleaning is required, and failing to keep up with it can subject you to fines or other consequences.