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Real Health Benefits You Can Get from a Spa Visit

Real Health Benefits You Can Get from a Spa Visit

While just about everyone can agree that spa treatments feel great, not everyone is convinced that they provide any real health benefits. If you are on the fence—or are looking for a justification to schedule your next spa day—here are three real health benefits that you can get from visiting a spa.

Improved Sleep

Many spa treatments, such as massage therapy, saunas, and hot tub soaks, have been shown to have a positive impact on the quality of your sleep. These treatments are designed to help you relax, which helps you fall asleep more easily and get deeper sleep once you’re out, both of which are correlated to positive health outcomes.

Pain Relief

In addition, spa treatments can also help relieve and manage pain and soreness. The heat from a hot spring or sauna helps to relax your muscles and calm irritated nerves, and massage therapy can help you ease stiff joints, restore mobility and flexibility, and get rid of painful knots. Many people who have experienced injuries have used these treatments to support and speed up their recoveries, and people who suffer from chronic pain have also found such treatments helpful in managing their symptoms.

Reduced Stress

A third way that spa treatments can benefit your health is by helping you relieve stress. Ongoing stress has been shown to lead to symptoms such as increased blood pressure, headaches, and more, and chronic stress has also been linked to many chronic conditions. If you want to stay healthy, managing your stress levels is an important first step.