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Planning a Website Makeover? 5 Website Design Tips to Consider

Planning a Website Makeover? 5 Website Design Tips to Consider

As a small business owner, it is important to make sure that your website reflects your business in the best way possible. You’ll want a modern website design that also facilitates ease of use and access to information. Here are 5 website design tips to consider for your website makeover.

1. It is essential to make your website mobile friendly. The majority of users now access websites from a mobile device, so make sure that your website is easy to navigate as well as quick to load on a mobile phone.

2. Display your contact information in a spot that is easy to find. Having a website contact form will also help your customers reach you with their inquiries.

3. Keep your website up to date with your products and services. This will help generate more sales.

4. Optimize your website for SEO by having SEO-friendly content as well as good-quality photos of your products or services. This will help your site rank higher in search results.

5. Having videos on your website will increase engagement and this will also help your website rank better. Don’t stuff a page with multiple videos; just putting one on relevant pages will already have good results.

These are just 5 easy tips to keep in mind while planning your new website. You may also want to reach out to a professional website design company to help you build the best website for your business. This is a good investment that will quickly pay off.