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Need Storm Damage Restoration? Here Are Some Common Types of Damage

Need Storm Damage Restoration? Here Are Some Common Types of Damage

If you have had a bad storm in your area and you have damage to your house, chances are that you need storm damage restoration. Below are some of the more common things that often need to be fixed during storm damage restoration.

Drywall – Because drywall is porous, it acts similar to a sponge. This means that it can become really corrupted with flooding from a storm. It also can stay contaminated after it’s dry since it’s porous.

Solid Wood – Wood floors that are soaked during flooding from a storm might start warping and cracking if they’re not dried in time. That is one reason why you want to get the storm damage restoration started as soon as possible.

Pipes & Wiring – Electrical wiring might become frayed or stripped, and which might start a fire. Pipes often can break when flooding happens because of the amount of strain they’re placed under during a storm.

Carpeting – If you have carpeting rather than hardwood floors, then you are likely going to have to have it cleaned well or even replaced, depending on the amount of damage that is done.

These are the things that you may need to have fixed or replaced during storm damage restoration. Having a storm in your area that is bad enough to cause damage to your home can be devastating, but the sooner that you have it taken care of the better chance you have of getting back to your life.