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Auto Collision: 6 Ways to Stay Safe on the Road

Auto Collision: 6 Ways to Stay Safe on the Road

Statistics show that auto collisions are the leading cause of death for teens. Most collisions happen because people are not paying attention or make mistakes like running a stop sign. But there is no excuse to neglect safety and increase your risk of auto collision. Here we list six ways you can stay safe while on the road:
• Make sure your brakes, tires, and lights work properly
If you go on a trip in your car, be sure to check all the parts and ensure they work. Brake lights help prevent collision by warning other drivers of possible stops ahead.
• Always wear your seatbelt
Seatbelts are the most crucial auto safety device available. They reduce your risk of auto collision by half.
• Steer clear of heavy traffic
Heavy, congested traffic is a major cause of collisions. If you have an option to avoid it, take it. It’s not worth the potential injury or damage.
• Drive below the speed limit
Driving above the speed limit is one of the top collision factors. Driving below it reduces your chances of collisions by 25%.
• Don’t use cell phones while driving (even hands-free)
It takes more than two seconds to respond to an emergency call while driving at 50 miles per hour. That is enough time to travel the length of a football field.
• Avoid driving at night
Night-time auto collisions are more likely to result in injury. Try to plan your trips accordingly and avoid night drives as much as possible.
Auto collisions are a serious matter. That’s why auto safety is so important. Doing simple things like checking your brakes, wearing seatbelts, and being aware of traffic can reduce the chance you’ll have a collision.