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How to Care for Your Windshield Glass

How to Care for Your Windshield Glass

Your windshield is a very important part of your car as having an unobstructed view of the road is critical for your safety. Cleaning your windshield glass every so often to remove dirt and smudges ensure you have a crystal clear view of what’s ahead to help prevent the chances of an accident. A clean windshield also means that your defroster will be more efficient as condensation collects more easily on a dirty surface. Here are care tips for keeping your windshield glass clean:

● Clean your windshield glass after washing the exterior and interior of your car. Use a fresh towel or rag, even if they have been washed, so that you do not spread oils or other compounds from your detailing cleaners.
● Prevent your window cleaner from evaporating quickly by wiping the windshield glass either in the shade or on a cooler day.
● Where possible, park in shaded or covered areas to keep your car cooler. This will help keep your windshield glass clean by allowing gases to escape.
● Just had a new windshield installed? Wait at least 24 hours before cleaning your car since high water pressure may puncture the new seal.
● Replace your windshield wipers at least once a year since the rubber will degrade over time. This not only impacts the windshield clarity during rain, but means your windshield glass is less protected from the metal blade on the wiper.

These simple tips will help protect your windshield glass and keep it as clean as possible so you can drive safely.Windshield Glass