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A Few Pros and Cons of Vinyl Siding

A Few Pros and Cons of Vinyl Siding

When looking into different types of siding for your home you may come across vinyl siding. Vinyl siding makes a lot of promises about what it can do and how well it can work as siding, but how does it stack up against other materials? Here are a few of the pros and cons of vinyl siding to help you decide if it is right for you.


  • Inexpensive: The main selling point of vinyl siding is its low cost. It is relatively cheap, especially when compared to materials such as fiber-cement.
  • Low Maintenance: Vinyl is smooth, which means it is easy to maintain. It is easy to clean and does not collect as much dust or webbing because it is slick and smooth.
  • Set and Forget: Once you install your vinyl siding you can let it do its thing. It needs to be cleaned, but that can be easily done with a hose. No repainting is needed, and vinyl will mostly last without much maintenance until it needs to be replaced.


  • Maintenance: One long-term problem that can arise from this low-maintenance model is fixing it. If the vinyl gets damaged by harsh weather, cracking, or projectiles then the boards will need to be replaced. Repair is hard or impossible, so replacement is often the best option.
  • Installation: Installation is straight-forward but involves a lot of steps. There is room for error, so while you can install vinyl siding yourself you may want to hire a contractor.

Vinyl siding is a great option for many homes, but it is important to check out all of the pros and cons. An inexpensive and durable material can be a great option, but the cons may outweigh the pros for some.