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Which Part of the House Should Be First During Custom Renovations?

Which Part of the House Should Be First During Custom Renovations?

When looking into custom renovations it can be hard to know where in your house you should start. There are so many places in your house that you use that it can be difficult to know what rooms should get custom renovations. Here is a quick reference guide to help you know where to start, and how to live through custom renovations.

  • Bathrooms: One of the easier rooms to renovate is a bathroom. A renovated bathroom can bring in a lot of home value, and while it is being worked on you can just use a different bathroom for a time. Not an optimal solution, but it is pretty simple.
  • Kitchen: The next recommended room is the kitchen. Renovating a kitchen also brings a lot of home value but can be more difficult to work around. However, it can be done, especially if you plan out carefully what you are renovating, when it is being done, and getting things done quickly.
  • Living Room: A living room renovation will not bring in as much value as the above two but can be worth doing. It can be difficult to live life at home without a living room, but careful planning can make it doable.
  • Bedrooms: This one is very difficult because most people live in their bedrooms. Relocating within your home to renovate a bedroom is possible, but it is never fun. It also will not bring in as much home value, but it may be worth it.

Custom renovations on your home will improve your life but can be difficult since most people have to live in their home while renovations are done. However, with a great plan custom renovation can be done seamlessly.