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4 Key Ways to Get Your Store Displays Noticed

4 Key Ways to Get Your Store Displays Noticed

Store displays are a great way to set a product apart from the rest and grab the attention of shoppers. However, simply having set-apart store displays will help, but there are a few more things involved with store displays to maximize their potential. Here are 4 things you need to do to maximize the potential of your store displays.

  1. Excitement: A big part of standing out is being visually interesting. If the store display blends into the background, no one will notice it. Take the time to make the display visually appealing so it captures the interest of people passing by.
  2. Clear: Sometimes displays obscure the product or make it difficult to see that it is a display at all. Make sure the product(s) are clearly displayed so passersby know exactly what the products for sale are.
  3. Signs: Signs may help with both of the above. Having a sign that denotes what the product(s) being sold are and why one would want it, making it very clear to viewers. It also will naturally persuade people to look at the display, even just to quickly read what the signage says.
  4. Interaction: Everyone loves to interact with products before they buy them. Making your display immersive, or at least something you can interact with, will garner it a lot more attention and make patrons spend more time looking at the product(s) displayed.

Putting up store displays is a great way to bring more attention to something. However, if you follow these 4 tips you can maximize interest and hopefully sales on those products.