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3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Neglect Your Eavestroughs

3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Neglect Your Eavestroughs

It may come as a surprise, but some property owners tend to pay less attention to their eavestroughs. More often than not, this has come with devastating consequences once winter arrives.

These roof attachments need to be regularly cleaned and maintained to ensure efficient use. Here are the top three reasons why you need to do this as soon as possible.

  • Avoid costly water damage

Downspouts and clogged gutters don’t allow water to flow from your roof and drain away correctly. Naturally, water takes the path of least resistance. This could mean water penetrating through your roof and into the interior of your home.

Damages downspouts won’t redirect water away from your properties foundation as designed. You don’t have to be told how risky this is.

  • Reduce invasion of pests and insects into your home

Trapped, stagnant water in clogged eavestroughs serves as a perfect breeding ground for countless pesky insects including mosquitoes. Debris filled gutters serve as a quiet home for other rodents as well.

Routine inspection and maintenance of your gutter system will alert you to the presence of any critters.

  • Functionality of your gutter system

Gutters are made from durable, high-quality materials. Despite this, they are not meant to carry the load from excess leaves, pine needles and other debris. These foreign objects block the draining sprouts.

Whole sections of overloaded eavestroughs can break away from their anchor points. And if they are not cleaned for many years, the organic matter will start to decompose, causing further extensive damage to your home roof.

As we wrap things up, it’s recommended that you look at your system at least once a year. This should be enough to extend the life of your system.