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Top Signs You Need Plumbing Maintenance

Top Signs You Need Plumbing Maintenance

When owning a home, there are several things you have to maintain, such as your yard, household finishes, HVAC system, and plumbing. Plumbing issues should always be addressed right away because over time the issues can get worse and be more costly. To help you detect common plumbing issues, here are the top signs you need plumbing maintenance.

  • Slow Drainage – Do you find yourself with an inch or more of water at your feet while showering? Or maybe you’re washing your hands at the sink and the water isn’t draining right away. These are clear signs that you are experiencing drainage issues. There can be many factors that can be playing into your drainage issues, such as a clogged drain or a stuck toy. If you find yourself experiencing this issue, you need plumbing maintenance.
  • Low Water Pressure – Does it take you an abnormal amount of time to wash the shampoo out of your hair because your water pressure is almost non-existent? If so, you are experiencing the impact of low water pressure. Don’t torture yourself — call your local plumber to resolve the issue.
  • Low or Slow Hot Water – Does hot water take forever to get to your facet? Or do your showers quickly turn ice cold? This issue is typically caused by a failed water heater that most likely needs maintenance and repairs.
  • Burst Pipe – If you live in a cold climate, there is a chance your pipes can freeze and burst. In this case, you will need plumping maintenance immediately. Leaking water going unaddressed can lead to extensive and costly water damage within your home.

We hope these top warning signs will help you determine if you need plumbing maintenance. If you have questions about plumbing maintenance, call your local plumber today.