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How Technology is Changing Our Visits to the Dentist

How Technology is Changing Our Visits to the Dentist

There are very few industries that technological advances over the past few years hasn’t affected. It might actually surprise you to see several differences when you visit the dentist because of innovations in dentistry. Here are a few of the ways that our visits to the dentist have changed and could continue to change in the coming years.

  • Digital dentistry – Gone are the days when your dentist had to rely on just x-rays and a visual examination to diagnose and treat dental concerns. With computer-controlled equipment, digital radiography, computer-aided implant dentistry, and other technological innovations, a visit to the dentist will yield more precise diagnostics and treatments.
  • Lasers – Not only are there many ways that a laser can be used, such as for minor gum surgery, the technology is moving forward to use computerized hard-tissue lasers to remove tooth decay. In addition, research is underway to provide an alternative for root canals.
  • 3D printing – The potential and currently used technology in this area is very exciting. Imagine your dentist being able to create printed teeth, crowns, caps, bridges, or even a jawbone!
  • Dental care – It was one big jump to go from standard toothbrushes to electric ones, but that is not the end of the story in advanced dental care. Innovations are taking us toward toothbrushes that will be able to tell you if you aren’t brushing effectively. With sensors and cameras, you’ll be alerted if you brush too hard, miss areas, or could even alert you to pH issues or oral diseases so that you can reach out to your dentist for treatment while a problem is in the early stages.

As is the case with most innovations, it can take time for dentists to obtain the necessary equipment and training to be able to incorporate them. Your dentist might already be using some of these innovations and be working toward adding others. They will also take the time to be sure that any new processes are safe and suitable for their patients. Not everything that is developed ends up embraced by the public, but there is no doubt that there are incredible innovations in dentistry on the horizon.