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improving north carolina one home at a time

A Quick Guide to Finding an Architect for Your Project


If you have a project for which you need to hire an architect, one of the best things that you can do is to ask someone you know who has used one or who is currently using one. If you’re fortunate enough to know someone whose home was recently majorly renovated, there’s a good chance that they used an architect. So, you want to talk to them and ask them the following.

  • Was their architect someone who was easy and pleasant to work together with?
  • What are their strongest areas?
  • What are their rates?

It’s also important know if the project got completed on schedule as well as if it was in the budget. If it didn’t, you will want to discover why. Sometimes budgets and timelines will go over because of unforeseen obstacles rather than bad decisions the architect made. You also might want to ask them if you can see the finished project. If you know them well enough, chances it won’t be a problem.

Once you have talked with the homeowner, you’ll want to speak with the architect themselves. Ask if they’re willing to listen to a fast project pitch to find out if they’re interested. If they aren’t or they are too busy, ask if they have recommendations for others who may be interested in doing the job.

Choosing an architect isn’t something that you should go into lightly. So you want to take the time to find the right one for your project.