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3 Home Security Mistakes That Can Put You at Risk

3 Home Security Mistakes That Can Put You at Risk

When people think of home security, a lot of them think about having locks and maybe a camera. But there are things that may be doing that can put your home and family’s security at risk. We’re going to look at some of the three most common ones.

  1. Leaving Boxes by Curb

This is a huge mistake that people make especially around the holidays. You got a great new 50” plasma television for Christmas. That’s great. But if you leave the box out by the curb, you are advertising to everyone that you have that in your house now.  It’s just an invitation to thieves.

  1. Not Having Yard Work Done

If you are like a lot of people and you flock to the warmer areas during the winter, you might want to have someone come and do shoveling while you are away. In fact, it’s a good idea to do this even when you are home. Why? Because if someone else suddenly is doing the shoveling for you, your neighbors and such are going to know you’re not home.

  1. Not Cutting Back Bushes

If you have bushes alongside of your front door and other entry doors, someone can hide in them and attack you when you are leaving or entering your home. Make sure that you cut these back so that there’s not enough for someone to hide in.

These are three home security mistakes to avoid so that you keep your home and family safe.