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Tips for Extending the Life of Your Air Conditioning Equipment

Tips for Extending the Life of Your Air Conditioning Equipment

One of the more sizeable investments that you will make at your home is when you need to replace the air conditioning equipment. It makes sense to do everything that you can do to extend its life. Here are a few tips that can help you do that whether you just had new equipment installed and want it to last or you have an aging system you want to baby along for a bit longer.

  • Tip #1: Keep up with regular maintenance- At a minimum, you should have the air conditioning checked and serviced once per year, preferably in the spring. If you have an HVAC system with heat, you should have it serviced again in the fall.
  • Tip #2: Change the filters regularly- The rule of thumb is to replace the filters at least once a month, but you could need to do it more often if you live on a dirt road, have several furry family members, or leave your door and windows open regularly.
  • Tip #3: Set the thermostat higher- The more any piece of equipment works, the sooner it wears out. If your objective is to make your air conditioning last, consider setting it between 74 and 78. If this is uncomfortable for you, try increasing it just one degree at a time so you can acclimate. The use of fans can help you feel more comfortable in the meantime.
  • Tip #4: Use a programmable thermostat- If you aren’t home for several hours each day, consider setting the temperature higher when it won’t matter.
  • Tip #5: Consider regular duct cleaning- When dust, dander, and contaminates make it to the air conditioning equipment, it makes it work harder than usual and could cause it to fail if not cleaned out. Cleaning out the ducts helps avoid this scenario.

With a bit of diligence and care, you can get several years of reliable performance from your air conditioning. The savings makes it well worth the effort so be sure to call your HVAC provider to get on a regular maintenance schedule.