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Importance of Landscape Development Plans

Importance of Landscape Development Plans

Landscape development is beneficial. However, it can be stressful as well if you try doing it on your own. Hiring a landscape design expert is key.

Homeowners looking to design their landscape should have a landscape development plan in place. The purpose of landscape development plans includes the following:

  1. Allow a Designer to Plan for the Future

Designers see beyond the present and can identify phases. If, for instance, a pergola or patio isn’t in your budget at the moment, but you’d like to have it in the next 2-3 years’ time, the contractor can use the plan to determine the best place for the patio.

  1. Make Identification of Lighting Locations Easier

It is easier to plan for landscape lighting on paper than it is in real life. With proper landscape development plans, a designer can mark and spot lighting locations so it’s easier to replicate the markings during the landscape development.

  1. Make it Possible for You to Compare Quotations

By distributing a landscape development plan to 3 or more contractors, you can compare quotes on an even level.

Lack of a development plan makes it impossible to compare a quote to the next one. Various contractors have varying installation methods and visions. It’ll, therefore, help if you make a note of details on a contractor’s quote.

  1. Allows You to Show Several Options for Consideration

Landscape development plans enable you to get creative. You give a designer several design options to work with and they’ll use their expertise to determine the best choice.