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A Guide to Knowing When You Need a Septic Pumping

A Guide to Knowing When You Need a Septic Pumping

When you move into a house, you either have city water or you have a septic tank. If you have always lived in houses that are connected to a sewer and you’re unfamiliar with septic tanks, you may not know what can happen if you don’t pump your septic tank. The truth is that residential septic pumping is a very important part of home maintenance when you have a home with a septic tank.

The biggest thing that will happen if you don’t have regular septic pumping done is that the pipe in your drain field will become clogged. Below are some of the signs that your pipes have become clogged and you need to have your septic tank pumped soon.

  • Unpleasant Smells Outside – You smell sewage when you are out in the yard. This is a big reason why you want to pump out your septic tank.
  • Swampy Areas – Although this may not seem like a big issue, it might bring things like mosquitos and it can make it hard to mow your lawn.
  • Grass – Usually healthy, bright green grass is a good thing. But when the rest of the grass in your yard is dull looking, then you probably want to have your tank pumped.
  • Wastewater – Now this is a huge problem. When your tank needs pumping, then the wastewater might back up into your home.
  • Slow Drains – Your home’s lowest drains may become slower.

If you are noticing any of these issues above, you want to schedule a septic pumping. Otherwise you could have a huge mess.