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The Pros and Cons of Camera Systems

many people find the pros of camera systems

Making your home more secure is a great idea, but with every decision comes negative consequences. While many people find the pros of camera systems will outweigh the cons, the cons still do exist and are worth considering. Here are some of these pros and cons.


  • Safety: Of course, with increased security comes the potential of increased safety. A properly setup camera system can help increase the safety in your home.
  • Home Insurance: In some cases, your home insurance policy can decrease in cost. If your insurance company labels your home a lower risk home due to camera systems, then you could see a decrease in premiums. Make sure to see what your home insurance policy is first, because this may not always be true.
  • Peace of Mind: Simply knowing that you have a camera system can be worth the cost. Having a camera system can calm the worry of having safety issues, even if nothing bad ever happens.


  • Price: The big issue with camera systems is that they can be very expensive. Whether setting it up yourself or paying a monthly subscription fee, you will find that camera systems are rarely cheap.
  • False Alarms: Whether it is you accidentally setting it off yourself, forgetting how to disarm it, or the neighbor’s cat enjoys being annoying you may run into some false alarms. Camera systems are not perfect and may end up showing you things that are not worth worrying about.

While there are a lot of things to consider when installing a camera system, it is worth it to consider how the cost and effectiveness of the system works when compared to the safety and peace of mind it provides you.