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4 Bad Things That Will Happen Without Tree Services

4 Bad Things That Will Happen Without Tree Services

Trees seem to be fairly independent beasts once they get large enough to grow on their own. It takes a while, but at some point, a tree will be able to grow as big as it pleases without assistance, but that is where the problems start. Not using proper tree services to keep your trees in check can cause multiple issues. Here are 4 bad things that can happen if you ignore tree services.

  1. People and Property Damage: A large tree can be extremely dangerous during bad weather. Large trees are strong, but even a giant branch breaking off due to winds or even its own weight can fall on a person, car, home, or anything else causing massive damage.
  2. Roots: Roots of huge trees can be a big issue if left unchecked. They can spread out dozens of yards away from the base and start to unsettle the things above. They can cause cracks and uneven leveling in nearby sidewalks or even bury below your home and cause damage to your foundation or cause cracks in your floors.
  3. Other Plants: While trees may not harm all plants as it spreads out, if it gets far enough it can start to damage things like nearby trees. Some trees will specifically kill anything within a certain radius, but a tree may also get large enough to siphon off all of the resources around another tree, hurting or killing it in the process.
  4. Legal Issues: If your tree decides to cause any of the above issues to a neighbor, you can get in real legal trouble. Not using tree services to take care of your trees will only make you more liable for the damages caused.

Make sure you use tree services to keep up on your trees, so they do not go too wild. When your trees are not reigned in, they can cause real damage, so call in professional tree services today.