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Why Women Should Consider a Career with Engineering Firms

Having a working knowledge of engineering

Despite the efforts of such groups as the Society of Women Engineers that was founded in 1950 and the nonprofit organization, the field of engineering is still male dominated. That is slowly changing and one reason for that is women are recognizing that working with engineering firms can be exciting and rewarding. Here are a few reasons that you should consider a career with engineering firms:

  • There is a shortage of engineers. Each year more engineers retire than there are those entering the field. If you are looking for a career in a field that is not oversaturated, engineering is the way to go whether you are male or female.
  • Engineering firms hire more than just engineers. There are many engineering-related occupations that can also be appealing to women, including management and sales positions within engineering firms. Having a working knowledge of engineering can make you a valuable addition.
  • Salaries are on the rise. While there are many occupations that have flatlined in terms of wage growth, careers with engineering firms are not among them. Add this to the fact that engineers in general earn top dollar and it is easy to see why a career in engineering is a wise choice.
  • There are many different types of engineers. When you take a look at the top-paying engineer professions, you get an idea of the many different paths that you could take, including mechanical engineer, civil engineer, electrical engineer, structural engineer, and others.

If you are still unsure whether a career in engineering is right for you, take a few moments and reach out to any of the engineering firms in your area. They are more than happy to discuss what they love about the industry and help you decide if this is an ideal career choice for you.