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3 Emotional Intelligence Mistakes Made by Millennial Leaders

when it comes to emotional intelligence

As a millennial in a leadership position, you have a lot on your shoulders. But you want to make sure that when it comes to emotional intelligence in the workplace, you aren’t making common mistakes that other millennials make. Below are three emotional intelligence mistakes to avoid.

  1. Not Giving Due Credit

Sometimes we will take credit when others have done the work. When you are the leader, most of the work’s credited largely to you. So, you want to make sure you’re recognizing the others who helped you.

  1. Distancing Yourself from Employees

To be a good leader as a millennial, you want to make sure you’re accessible. When you act as if you’re better than everyone else, this isn’t professional and it won’t be appreciated, particularly if you’re younger than a lot of your employees.

  1. Giving Directions that are Unclear

When you are a leader who is also a millennial, you want to make sure that you are clear directions. Even though you had to figure things out for yourself, as a leader you should make sure that your employees know what is expected of them. Otherwise it can cause a lot of problems for you and your company.

In these days with so much technology available, emotional intelligence is more important than ever. As a millennial in a leadership position, you are helping the world into the new era. So make sure that you are avoiding these mistakes; having emotional intelligence will help you become a good leader in your company.