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What Is the First Step in Ontario Business Registration?

your first step in Ontario business registration

Desmond Tutu is credited with saying, “There is only one way to eat an elephant: a bite at a time.” The meaning of this is simple. Anything that seems big and daunting can be broken down into one task at a time until the entire process has been completed. Setting up a new business is very much like that, but by going step by step in an orderly fashion, you’ll be up and running before you know it.

One of the steps you’ll need to take for your Canadian company in Ontario is to complete Ontario business registration. Even this task alone can seem like a daunting one and if that is causing you stress, there are always companies out there that can assist you. In that case, your first step in Ontario business registration would be to find such an organization.

With or without their help, the first thing you need to do is determine your company name. It isn’t just as simple as choosing whatever you want, as you need to be sure someone else isn’t already using it. If the name you wanted is not available for Ontario business registration, you’ll have to come up with something different. A company that offers assistance with setting up a company can handle the search for you and then register your business name with the applicable provincial or territorial government in the province or territory.

One day when your company is a huge success, you’ll look back at what you thought was an elephant and realize it wasn’t nearly as big! Each bite got you closer to your goal and that’s an incredible feeling.