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Types of Family Vacations

Family vacations mean different things to different people

Family vacations mean different things to different people. For some, heading to the same timeshare or destination is the only way to go. Others prefer a new experience each time, with some staying with the same basic type of vacation and others seeking something unique and off the beaten trail. With so many different types of family vacations, we thought it might be fun to list as many as we could think of!

  • Beach Family Vacations – A beach vacation can be anything from the quiet, secluded private beach of a waterfront rental to going to one of the most heavily populated beaches to interact with other people. With so many beaches around the world, the possibilities are practically endless.
  • City Family Vacations – There is a lot of allure to big cities, especially if you don’t live in one already. Even if you do, seeing New York City or another major city can be very captivating and exciting.
  • Mountain Family Vacations – It can also be fun to get away from the city and a hectic lifestyle and take in nature with hikes, fishing, and other outdoor activities – not to mention the views!
  • Road Trip Family Vacations – These can be done with a destination in mind or just hitting the road and traveling at random. One option is watching for unique things to see along your route. Nearly every state in the country has some claim to fame worth investigating.
  • Travel Abroad Family Vacations – Taking in an entirely different culture can be an educational experience for everyone in the family. This type of vacation is best planned out in advance so you can learn a bit before you go about customs so you don’t mistakenly get into trouble.
  • Cruise Family Vacations – There are so many different cruises available these days that you could take one every year and it would be a unique experience from the last.

Family vacations are always worth taking as the memories last for a lifetime. Everyone needs a chance to get away and a staycation just isn’t good enough!