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DIY Drain Cleaning Techniques You May Want to Skip

DIY drain cleaning methods may work

There are so many different drain cleaning techniques that have gained popularity because of the Internet. While some may be on the right track, often they are simply less effective versions of proper drain cleaning techniques. Here are a few examples of DIY drain cleaning techniques that you may want to skip.

  • Baking Soda and Vinegar: While the chemical reaction of baking soda and vinegar may be fun, it is not the most effective cleaner. The fizz is not even very good at breaking down blockages, and you would be better off using a normal drain cleaner.
  • Snake Replacements: Drain snakes and other official devices are very good at clearing drains, but they are very specialized devices. Some DIY sites may say that you can use an unbent coat hanger or something similar, but this is not the case. A coat hanger may scratch the inside of the pipes, as well as push the blockage further back before it clears it.
  • Hot Water: Some DIY sources have said that hot water can clean a drain. The main problem with this is that usually, hot water already runs through drains during normal use anyway. The next is that hot water actually does little to break down clogs and is nowhere near as effective as a proper chemical cleaner.
  • Borax: Many DIY drain solutions mention using borax in the mix. Borax, while natural, is a very strong compound. It may be effective, but if you are using intense chemical cleaners then you might as well buy proper drain cleaner.

While DIY drain cleaning methods may work, but usually it is better to use specialized tools and chemicals for the job or to call a professional plumber.