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Hockey Programs: Should Your Daughter Play with the Boys?

determine which hockey programs

The number of girls and women playing hockey is on the rise. If your daughter is inspired by some of the females who play on international hockey teams, she may be interested in trying out hockey programs that will help her build her skills.

The question then becomes whether you should seek a girls’ hockey program, or should your daughter play with the boys? There are a few key questions you can ask yourself as you determine which hockey programs will be right for your budding female hockey player:

  • What are the closest hockey programs that cater to girls-only teams or offer co-ed play?
  • Will my daughter thrive athletically and socially by playing on a boys’ team? A girls’ team?
  • What will the coaching experience be like?
  • Is my daughter going to be offered ample opportunities to play during game time?
  • Will my daughter be challenged to grow in sportsmanship and skill?
  • What are the coach’s motivational and communication skills like?
  • What are the costs if we have to travel to practices or games?
  • Is there a focus on development, or just winning games?

Ultimately, the choice whether to have your daughter play in hockey programs alongside the boys may come down to her preference. If she likes her team, coach, and play time, she may be in a hockey program that is a good fit, regardless of the gender norm. Take the time to talk to your daughter about this matter. You can also talk to the hockey coach at her school for further guidance.