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3 Reasons Why Not to Attempt DIY Bee Relocation

hiring bee relocation services

When a hive of bees decides to move onto your property you may think there must be a cheap alternative to hiring bee relocation services. You may think you can attempt your own bee relocation, but that is not a good idea. It is not quite as simple as collecting bees from point A and bringing them to point B. Here are 3 reasons why you should not attempt DIY bee relocation.

  1. Safety: The first obvious issue with DIY bee relocation is safety. Bees are not always friendly creatures and can cause serious damage to your health if you are not careful. Unless you are a trained professional, messing with bees can be a very dangerous thing.
  2. Equipment: A professional will have proper equipment to handle and transport bees. Trying to make-shift the specialized tools and equipment in your DIY bee relocation is a bad idea and may hurt the bees in the process. It also may fail miserably and cause a swarm of bees to attack.
  3. Bee Safety: Many species of bees are an endangered species, so messing with bees is a bad idea. We want to protect bees and make sure they survive to pollinate our plants in the future, and DIY bee relocation could cause bees damage. Not only do you risk hurting bees, but you may not relocate bees to a location where they can thrive.

DIY bee relocation is about as bad of an idea as it sounds. We do not recommend you attempt it and would recommend hiring a professional for all bee relocation services.