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What Does a Real Estate Attorney Do

Real estate attorneys are knowledgeable

Other than paperwork, you may wonder what a real estate attorney does. If you have purchased or are purchasing a home, you may wonder why some states require a real estate attorney when purchasing a home. Here are some of the things a real estate attorney does that you may not be aware of.

  • Real Estate Deeds: A real estate deed is a legal document that should be handled as such. To make sure proper trading off is done by both parties, a real estate attorney can help guarantee the document is properly transferred. This means they make sure both parties agree on the transfer, sign documents correctly, and that proper legal language is used in the trade.
  • Zoning Laws: A real estate attorney can also help you understand the written language of zoning laws. This will allow you to know what buildings can be built on what property and will help you know what the building restrictions are for your home based on where you build it.
  • Property Title: This is similar to a property deed, but this one refers to the legal ownership of the property. The deed is the document that allows transfer of the document whereas the title gives the owner ownership of the property. This can seem confusing to someone uninitiated to real estate law. Luckily a real estate attorney is the perfect person to help you understand and work through this complication.
  • Property Tax: If anyone knows how property tax laws work, it is a real estate attorney. They will know exactly how property taxes work when you buy a home and can help you work through that.

Real estate attorneys are knowledgeable about all things real estate as it pertains to law. If you are buying or selling a home, you may want to contact a real estate attorney to help you through the process.