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Common Causes of Septic Tank Odor

The septic tank in any house

When there is a problem with your septic tank, it will eventually produce an odor, and that is a sure sign of malfunction. The issue may be anything from blocked vents to a tank overfill.

If the tank is overfilled, it would be best to call a septic system pumping company immediately. They will check to see if it’s overfilled or is failing. If it’s overfull, they will pump it out and ensure that it’s functioning as it should. Usually, depending on the number of people using the septic system, it should be pumped every 1 to 3 years.

Another reason for septic tank odor is a damaged septic band. The septic tank in any house should have roof vents to ensure that the pressure is balanced. This prevents the gurgling noises off water flow that can emanate from sinks and toilets. Whenever you hear those weird gurgling sounds, ensure that you check if there’s blockage or damage in the septic vent.

If there’s an odor coming out even after cleaning the septic vent, you can try out the filters. You can get these filters in most local hardware shops and are easy to install. These filters are generally activated-carbon based and are capable of removing odors from the air.

Septic tank odors should not be overlooked. You should try out every possible solution, and if all else fails, the issue can be fixed by a professional. If there’s a bigger problem inside the tank, the professional will quickly fix it.