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A ‘Q&A’ About Home Inspections

A ‘Q&A’ About Home Inspections

So you are buying a new home and finally found one that leaves all your check boxes marked– congratulations! Your real estate agent has said its time for a home inspection, but you are a little confused about what that whole process involves. Why do new homes need to be inspected? Here’s a quick ‘Q&A’ session to get you in the know!

What is a home inspection and why do I need one?

A home inspection is an assessment of your home’s structure, including the foundation and the roof and everything in between, especially all major home operating systems. It is important to get a home inspection to prepare you for all that your new home has to offer. It will warn you of anything that is damaged or working improperly, as well as prepare you for future challenges your new home may present and maintenance it may need.

When is it time for my home inspection?

Once you have signed your initial contract or purchase agreement, you will want to schedule your home inspection. If you are using a real estate agent, they will make sure this is taken care of, but if you are representing yourself, make sure the contract has an inspection clause that allows for modifications depending on what is found by the inspector.

Will a home inspector be expensive? Why can’t I just do it myself?

Home inspections vary in cost based on a lot of factors, including the cost of homes in the area, size and age of the home, etc. Hiring a qualified inspector is vital, and in this case, it’s not worth cutting corners to save a few dollars. The peace of mind a thorough home inspection can offer you is priceless. A qualified inspector will have the knowledge and experience to check every aspect of your home in an unbiased way– something you, the homeowner, may not be able to do.

How do I find a good home inspector?

Begin by asking your realtor or broker. Chances are they have someone they use on a regular basis that is familiar with the area you live in and offers competitive prices. You can also ask friends and family for referrals or check the ASHI website.

If the home is in good condition, do I still need a home inspection?

Yes, yes, yes! Remember the movie The Money Pit? That home seemed great when they first moved in . . . But they could have saved a lot of trouble with a home inspection! Truth is, there is no price for moving into a home feeling confident and secure with what you are getting. Even homes in great condition will still show things on an inspection report, so take the time, spend the money, and get your home inspections done.