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Tips for an Alzheimer’s Caregiver

most effective Alzheimer’s caregiver

Whether you have plans to be a professional Alzheimer’s caregiver or the role falls to you as a loved one of someone going through this horrendous disease, it is important to know how to give the patient the best care possible. Here are a few tips that can help you become the most effective Alzheimer’s caregiver and not only improve their quality of life, but make it easier on you too!

  • Phrase to Avoid – You’ll quickly see that asking someone “do you remember?” leads to frustration on their part when you have brought up something that they, in fact, are unable to remember. Even if they did recall the story, event, person’s name, etc., a few days or even hours ago, doesn’t mean they can recall it when you next bring it up.
  • Be Agreeable – It serves no purpose to correct someone that is saying something that they emphatically believe is true, but isn’t. You will never win an argument as an Alzheimer’s caregiver, so it is best for your sake as well as theirs that you do not try.
  • Be Observant of Topics – This one can be tough because a topic yesterday that went over well may cause irritation today. Over time, you will recognize certain topics that always seem to upset them so that you can avoid them. Be prepared to quickly change the subject if they do get agitated.
  • Understand Feelings – As an Alzheimer’s caregiver, it is easy to forget that it is their memory that is diminished, not their feelings. Stay upbeat and friendly, even when they no longer know who you are, as any guest can make them feel better.
  • Self-Care – Be sure to get enough rest and time to yourself as you’ll be a more effective Alzheimer’s caregiver if you have taken care of yourself and can be at your best.