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5 Benefits of Insulating Glass

Insulating glass means that heat has a harder time

Something like insulating glass in your home may seem like an out-of-reach luxury. However, there are many benefits to insulating glass that make them worth the extra cost over standard windows. Here are 5 reasons to add insulating glass to your home.

  1. Utility Bill:  Insulating glass means that heat has a harder time going inside or out, depending on the time of year. This means that it will cost less to cool or heat your home because the temperature can stay more consistent with less energy.
  2. Lower Your Carbon Footprint: Using less energy when cooling/heating your home means that you carbon footprint is smaller because less energy is used.
  3. Sound Insulation: Not only does heat struggle to get through insulating glass, but so does sound. That means less outside noise gets into your home, and less sound leaves your home due to the glass.
  4. Safety and Security: The more layers of glass, the harder it is to break through a window. Insulating glass is tougher than cheaper, single-paned glass that you may add to your home. This means your home is more secure because it is less susceptible to people breaking through the window.
  5. Customization: There are many options within the term “insulating glass” in that there can be many different coatings or layers added to the glass. The glass can also have multiple panes in it to increase the above factors.

Despite insulating glass being more expensive than other kinds of windows, the cost savings and benefits that come with insulating glass make it more than worth the extra cost.