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These Maintenance Tips to Make Garage Doors Last!

When it comes to maintenance for garage doors

Maintenance. We all know it’s important and cost-effective and yet, many of us neglect it. After all, there are so many things that are jockeying for our attention today that maintenance often takes a back seat to other issues. When it comes to maintenance for garage doors, you can easily complete much of it in a fraction of the time that it would take to do other types of maintenance. Furthermore, you’ll end up with a garage door that maintains its condition for longer.

The first thing you can do for garage doors is also the simplest — visual inspection! All you’ll need to do to start your garage door maintenance is look at the mechanics for signs of aging, and check the door for discrepancies like swelling, pitting or damage.

After you have visually inspected your garage door and cleared debris away, make sure to lubricate and tighten hardware. Garage doors, on average, open close to 1000 times every year, so the pieces get a lot of use! Make sure they move smoothly with proper lubrication and will stay in place with tight hardware.

Finally, you’ll need to test your door. If a door is starting to open unevenly, you could have issues down the line. All you’ll need to do is close the door, and then pull the emergency release on the garage door opener. Let the garage door close without the aid of the mechanical opener and see how the springs hold. You’ll also want to check for unevenness.

That’s it! Maintenance for garage doors is easy and well-worth the effort.