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Skip the Exterminator and Save The Bees with Honey Bee Removal

honey bee removal services promptly before much honeycomb is built

As bees are becoming increasingly endangered in our world it is important that we are aware of who is being invasive in your home. If the newest renters in the outside of your home happen to be honeybees, make sure to call honey bee removal services and not an exterminator. Here are a few things to be aware of when you see bees making residence within your property.

  • Identify: While acting quickly is very important, you should not call an exterminator right away. These bees should be removed using honey bee removal services if they are an endangered species. You wouldn’t want to kill a bunch of bees that allow you to have food on your table.
  • Location: If the honey bees are building their home within your home then you should call honey bee removal services promptly before much honeycomb is built. If they are building residence on a tree branch, or something less important, then consider letting them stay. They may be temporary and could use the space to help them thrive within the ecosystem.

If you have any questions about these things, then call a local beekeeper. They are most likely to be the greatest advocate for the bees and will want to do what is best for you and them. Honey bee removal services have the prerogative to keep the honeybees alive and will be happy to help work with you on what is best for both you and the bees. Make sure to call them as soon as you can to get the bees to safety and keep your home free from honeycomb.