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HVAC Experts Say Summer is a Challenging Time for Indoor Air Quality

It might surprise you to learn that HVAC experts

When you are experiencing the hottest days that summer has to offer, you are likely looking for ways to cool off. You may even spend more time inside than usual, and that can get you wondering about the indoor air quality of your home. When it is properly sealed to keep energy costs down, another problem surfaces – trapped pollutants. It might surprise you to learn that HVAC experts say summer can be more challenging for indoor air quality than other seasons. There are a few reasons for that.

First, during the spring it is common to leave windows open to enjoy the fresh, warm air. With that, comes pollen and other outdoor contaminants. It is not that it is a bad thing to have your windows open. Just be sure your air conditioning system is properly maintained, including changing the filters, so your HVAC system can deal with the added workload of nature’s contributions to your indoor air quality.

Another reason is that you and your pets may be going in and out more often than you do at other times of the year and that means tracking in contaminants. In addition, the hot days trigger extra shedding, so your HVAC system probably has additional pet dander and fur to contend with. Even the odors from backyard cookouts can make their way inside and affect your indoor air quality.

If you haven’t already had your HVAC system serviced for summer, now is an important time to have it done, so it can aid in improving indoor air quality. If you would like an analysis completed so you know just what you and your family are breathing, contact your local HVAC expert. Most offer a variety of services that can help you keep your home comfortable during the summer and the rest of the year.