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3 Signs You Need Repairs on Your Gutters

Functional gutters drain out through the downspouts

As chores go, cleaning the gutters is generally agreed to be one of the more unpleasant ones. It’s tedious, labor-intensive, and in many cases, gross. However, as unpleasant as cleaning the gutters is, having to deal with broken gutters can be even worse. Damaged gutters that leak water where it’s not supposed to go can lead to serious damage to your home if left unaddressed. To help you avoid such a situation, we have put together a list of signs that you need gutter repair. Spotting the problem and dealing with it quickly are the best ways to prevent damaged gutters from damaging anything else.

  1. Plants, Moss, or Mold Growing Around Your Gutters- One of the biggest indicators that you need gutter repair is the presence of plants, moss, or mold growing in or around your gutters. Any of these things is a sign that your gutters are not draining properly of either water or debris. Even if you clean your gutters regularly, the downspouts can become blocked and prevent water from flowing out as it should. If you notice greenery appearing around your gutters, call our team at Pegram Builders to assess the problem.
  2. Gutters Leak or Drain Incorrectly- Functional gutters drain out through the downspouts. If you notice water spilling out over the top edges, or leaking out the underside, then it’s likely that you need gutter repair. Water spilling out from the top could indicate that there is a drainage problem, while leaks could mean that your gutters are cracked somewhere.
  3. Gutters are Detaching from the House- A sure sign that you need gutter repair is your gutters becoming detached from the exterior of your house. This issue could be the result of rusted bolts, wood rot, or other circumstances, but in any case, you need to have your gutters attached properly in order to divert rain runoff and prevent water damage like they’re supposed to.

If you notice any of these signs around your gutters, call a local gutter specialist as soon as possible for professional assessment and repairs.