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Five Fundamentals to Know About Foundations and Water Damage Repair

One of the best ways to avoid needing water damage repair

If you ever find yourself needing water damage repair because water entered your foundation, here are five things you might like to know:

  1. Find Out What Caused the Flooding- Are there moisture stains or dripping on the walls? There may be gutters draining too close to the house. If moisture is seeping up through cracks in the foundation, it is likely an issue with water, pressurized by being underground, able to seep through those cracks. Thoroughly look for the source of the flood that created the need for water damage repair.
  2. Prevention May Be Possible- Educate yourself about signs that gutters and downspouts aren’t working properly, what moisture stains look like, what the meaning is behind where stains are found, that moisture buildup anywhere in the home can trace back to the basement, and first steps to take for water damage repair. Stick to routine inspections for possible routes for water to enter your home.
  3. Keep a Weather Eye- Be prepared for weather that brings extra water your way. Stay informed about storms that are predicted to bring extra water. Don’t let the ground stay so dry that it shrinks and won’t drain properly.
  4. Higher the Heights- One of the best ways to avoid needing water damage repair is to grade the land around your home, so that it slopes down and away from the home rather than toward it. Water flows with the grade, and you want the direction of that water flow to be moving away from your home.
  5. Stay Pumped! If you have high ground water or suspect moisture would drain to your basement, it would be a good idea to install a sump pump for removing water as it starts to build up. It’s also a good idea to have such a pump connected to a back-up generator in case the power goes out during a storm.