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How to Keep Up on Pool Maintenance for Beginners

Pool Maintenance is a finicky thing

Pool Maintenance is a finicky thing, because pools need to have a proper balance of care in order to remain clear and safe. While keeping that clear and clean appearance is a balancing act it does not have to be too difficult to keep it up. Here are some of the steps to proper pool maintenance for beginners.

  • Circulation: Much like our bodies need to circulate blood, pools need to circulate as well to make sure that particulates are run through the filter. Keeping water stagnant allows it to get gross and for things to turn it green. Running your filter for 6 hours during the cold months and 12 hours during hot months will keep your pool from growing mold or other microbes.
  • Filters: Pool filters and skimmers need to be cleaned out in order to allow them to continue to filter your pool. Skimmers need to be cleaned out whenever they fill, which will depend on how much debris and leaves it sucks up. Check the manufacturer recommendation to see how often your pool filters need to be replaced.
  • Cleaning: Cleaning is an important part of regular pool maintenance. Especially during the hotter times of the year it is essential to skim and brush your pool daily. Make sure to skim the debris off the surface with a net to not overload the skimmers and brush the walls of the pool every day to prevent buildup that can permanently stain the walls of your pool. Purchasing a vacuum that attaches to the filter system will also help.
  • Chemicals: You should add 1 chlorine tablet per 5000 gallons to your pool a week to keep chlorine levels clear. You can shock your pool less often than once a week, but if you shock it once a week then your pool is guaranteed to have no bacteria or microbes hanging out in it. Testing your water every 2 weeks can help you know if your chlorine and pH balances are off as well.

While there are a lot of steps to proper pool maintenance, especially in the summer, it is a necessary venture. Make sure to follow these steps to keep your pool clean.