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Simple Tips for Your Air Conditioning Unit


Worrying about the Utility Bill? Here Are 4 Mistakes to Avoid

Homeowners in very hot climates use more electricity for their air conditioners than they do for anything else. According to some estimates, up to 70% of a summer utility bill is spent on air conditioning. However, there are ways to reduce this load by changing a few habits and avoiding the following four mistakes.

# 1: Buying Air Conditioners That Are Too Big

Air conditioners that are too big do not make homes cooler. They do not extract more humidity, nor do they generate more constant temperatures. In fact, they run inefficiently because they cycle on and off too quickly. Having said this, air conditioners that are too small are also not adequate.

#2: Running the Air Conditioner All Day

Do not do this. Use an individual unit timer or a programmable thermostat to start cooling your home before you get back from work. This is much more efficient and cheaper than leaving the unit running all day, despite what others may say.

#3: Closing Unused Vents

There are varied opinions on the effectiveness of closing the vents in rooms that are not being used. Sometimes this reduces the overall efficiency of central air conditioning systems. Always consult with an HVAC expert before you close any vents.

#4: Turning the Temperature Too Low

If you like your indoor air temperature at 72° F, don’t come home from work and set the air-con at 66 – it’s not going to get to 72 any quicker. In fact, it will go past 72 and, in the process, chew more electricity.



Easy Ways to Make Your Air Conditioning More Efficient

An efficiently running air conditioning system does what it was designed to do: make people’s lives easier and more enjoyable. However, a malfunctioning or mistreated system can quickly fail, accomplishing the opposite of its intended purpose. There are several simple things you can do to ease any strain on your air conditioning system, so that it can do its job and ease the strain on you. Here are just a few tips for making your air conditioning run more smoothly and efficiently:

  • Changing the air filters – Dirty and old air filters put undue stress on your HVAC system, making it harder to push air through the vents and greatly reducing efficiency. Changing the air filters is about as easy, and as necessary, as it gets. Make sure to check them every 3-4 months.
  • Make sure the ducts don’t leak – An air duct that is leaking air can be about as bad as a dirty filter for disrupting the air pressure in your air conditioning. Checking to make sure there are no leaks isn’t too difficult and should especially be done if you notice a reduction in air pressure coming from a vent. Look for leaks in the duct leading to that vent.
  • Clean the compressor unit – The compressor unit of your AC is the big machine outside that pulls air into the system and blows it back out. The grating on the sides of the compressor should be washed off with a simple garden hose about 2-3 times a year.
  • Insulating your home – This is one step that has little to do with the actual air conditioning system. It’s important to make sure the seals on the doors and windows of your home are intact and working properly, as air leakage to the outside works against what your AC is trying to accomplish. If you feel a draft from the outside in a room, it’s especially important to locate the source and seal it up.
  • Have an HVAC professional take a look – Having a professional come to inspect your system or perform more technical maintenance is one of the most important ways to make your AC more efficient. He or she will be able to recognize any impending or already existing problems, as well as any improvements that can be made. Having a yearly inspection can save thousands of dollars in power bills and repair later on.