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Make Sure the Dog Fence You Install Suits the Breed of Your Dog

Make Sure the Dog Fence You Install Suits the Breed of Your DogPeople keep dogs for a variety of reasons. Some breeds are better suited for some roles than others due to their unique characteristics. For example, the breed, size and temperament of dog that is chosen as a household pet or companion animal is likely to be very different from one chosen to be a fierce guard dog.

Each type of dog has its own advantages and disadvantages, and many types require specialized care to meet their needs. Keeping each type of dog happy and healthy can be complex, but owners quickly adapt and make sure they have the correct food, grooming items, and playthings for the dog. Unfortunately, not everyone applies the same careful consideration to the type of dog fence they have. The one-size-fits-all mentality can cause problems.

Although basic dog fence designs are similar, there are a few factors to bear in mind that may require some customization. For example, if you have a breed that tends to dig a lot, like a terrier, it would be wise to have the fence go underground for a foot or two to prevent them digging beneath it. For dogs that jump a lot, the fence will need to be higher. For very muscular breeds, digging or jumping may not be a problem, but the overall structure of the fence will need to be sturdy and well reinforced.